Hageneder The Spirit of Trees CD Cover

The Spirit of Trees

Ten compositions inspired by ten trees of Europe and the temperate zone. And the music is as diverse as the trees. This is biodiversity in the realm of music! From the light grace of Birch to Oak in a thunderstorm, from sunlight in the Ash to the moon in the Willow, from Larch in the winter frost to bees humming in the Linden tree, from the lively Rowan to the silence of Yew which comes from a world beyond time.

Acoustic music with elements of world, folk, rock, blues and jazz, performed on harp in dialogue with flute, violin or guitar. Dynamic arrangements for string quartet, as well as percussion and double bass. ‘Elm’ is written for harp and tenor saxophone – a unique and hauntingly beautiful combination of sounds.

Fred Hageneder: The Spirit of Trees
album, 66
download, streaming, or cd with 8-page booklet

More info and sound samples here or get into the mood with this video trailer:

Hageneder The Silence of Trees CD Cover

The Silence of Trees

Harper Fred Hageneder sees trees as important transformer stations in the web of life. ‘Trees are interested in ions and aeons,’ says he, ‘that is, in the electron exchange in their leaves and in whatever it is their winter buds receive from outer space. And photosynthesis in green leaves is the fundamental process that allows all of us – plants and animals – to be here. All these amazing miracles happen in silence, in complete, perfect silence…’

‘With this album I try, with the help of some excellent musicians from all over the world, to honour this silence, this place of origin.’

Fred Hageneder: The Silence of Trees
album, 72 minutes
download, streaming, or cd with 8-page booklet

More info and sound samples here or get into the mood with this video trailer:

Heart of Yew

A small book with profoundly moving and evocative poems about the Yew as a powerful teacher and witness to our history, accompanied by Andy McGeeney’s stunning photographs. On the accompanying CD, Jehanne – whose speaking voice is superbly resonant and beautiful – reads her poems aloud and Fred Hageneder – moved by the words of the poems and his great love of the Yew – plays the most magical music on his yew-wood harp.

Jehanne Mehta: Heart of Yew
book and cd (30 minutes)

More info here