forest evaporation in Thailand. © Abdulroheem Lungleengo/
forest evaporation in Thailand. © Abdulroheem Lungleengo/

Omission of forests’ impact renders climate models faulty

Jan 2012

In an article titled ‘Include trees in climate modelling, say scientistsThe Guardian reports that ‘current climate models and projections may be inaccurate because measurements are based on guidelines that do not include the effects of trees on the local climate.’

It refers to a book which agroforestry experts at the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) published in December 2011: How Trees and People can co-adapt to Climate Change.

‘Trees can influence many of the climate factors predicted by modelling, and their effects should be added to climate maps…’

‘”Following the guidelines of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), global weather stations collect climate data on open ground — away from trees”, says Meine Van Noordwijk, an editor of the book.’ The WMO standards intentionally ‘avoid tree canopy effects on the measurements.’ – Why?

‘”Unfortunately … climate scientists have not made much effort to quantify [the effects of trees]. By not looking at that, we are missing a large opportunity to understand how we can adapt.”‘

For six years now, climate scientists have ignored the call from Russian scientists to allow for the massive impact of continental forests on climate (READ MORE). Hopefully the new pressure from agroforestry will have an effect…

source: Dyna Rochmyaningsih, Include trees in climate modelling, say scientists: Climate models should include the effects of trees on the local climate, say agroforestry experts, The Guardian Environment Network, 16 January 2012

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